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PhD Opportunity: Using Radical Electrochemistry to Actively Rescue the Climate

The climate challenge has two important components, one is the depleting ozone layer in the stratosphere and the other is the increasing amount of greenhouse gases in the troposphere. Ozone depletion has consequences of increasing rate of human skin cancer, crop damage, and shortened lifetime of manufactured materials. In addition to human activities, volcanic eruptions can result in ozone depletion until 2070 or beyond. Greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and halogenated gases, are the minority gases (<500ppm). Such low concentration levels make their removal difficult. Based on our knowledge in plasmas (for selective radical electrochemistry) combined with magnetism (for ionic separations), we develop scalable methods of selective separation (e.g., based on chemical reactivities) and extraction (e.g., based on solubilities and intermolecular interactions) of reactive gaseous species.

innovative ideas that help solve sustainability and climate challenges

About this opportunity:

Interested in completing a PhD research degree in 3.5 years? We are looking for curious, energetic, and self-motivated candidates, whom are passionate about solving interdisciplinary problems.


- a major in Chemistry or Chemical Engineering (or related fields)

- a 4-year undergraduate degree (awarded First Class Honours), or a Master’s Degree

- prior research experience (with at least 1 publication)

- excellent communication skills in English (e.g., either English native speaker or with IELTS >6.5 across all sections; or TOFEL >88 overall, with >22 across all section)

- an overall GPA of above 3.3/4.0 (or >83/100 or top 15% in your class)

- coming from one of the top 200 universities worldwide, preferably top 100 (or highly ranked in your country)

The University of Sydney is ranked in the top 20 universities in the world.

Research scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis, with exempted Tuition and $40k/yr stipend (tax free). Conference presentations and overseas collaborative opportunities (e.g., with Harvard University) are possible, depending on project and research performance.

How to apply:

Please email Dr. Haihui Joy Jiang ( with the following info:

- CV (including peer-reviewed publications, if applicable)

- Academic transcripts

- a short email introduction

Note that international (non-Australian) candidates should submit their applications a year in advance. Australian (domestic) candidates are encouraged to apply a semester in advance.

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